How Did I Get Lyme Disease?

Just Like Ticks,
Lyme Disease Can Be The
Hidden Enemy

Lyme Disease The Mystery Illness

Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed and can mimic many different conditions which can cause physicians to miss the proper diagnosis.  Primary care physicians may not be equipped to identify chronic Lyme Disease as being caused by a bacteria illness. Dr. Randall Feuer specializes in patients with chronic Lyme Disease and other bit-borne illnesses.

Often misdiagnosed, patients seek  answers 

Think You May Have Symptoms?


It Starts With A Bite 

An initial bite from an infected tick carrying Lyme Disease may show typical symptoms that include fever, headache, fatigue, and oftentimes, a characteristic “bullseye” skin rash called erythema migrans which appears within 30 days of an infectious tick bite. Unfortunately, though, that is not always the case. There may not be a tell-tale sign of a bite. 

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Vectors of Lyme Disease

Traditionally in medicine, a vector is an organism that does not cause disease itself but spreads infection by conveying pathogens from one host to another. We find vectors for Lyme disease all around us. 

We have support options available to you

If diagnosed in the early stages, Lyme Disease may be cured; however, the large majority of Lyme disease patients don't know that they have been infected. 

If you've been treated for Lyme Disease and are still having symptoms, we can help find solutions to your chronic issues. When your physician tells you that you're "cured" and you still feel bad, we understand your frustration. Join our Facebook community for support and information. 

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